It was compulsory to register all births in Ireland from 1864, however, as many of you will know, not all births were registered with the civil authorities. There are many reasons why a birth was not registered, not least human error. In some cases it may have been beyond the family’s means to pay to […]
Category: Irish genealogy
Release of More Military Service Pension Applications
Charles Stewart Bevan applied for a Pension for his Pre-Truce service. In his application he stated that he joined the Irish Volunteers in December 1913, shortly after they were formed and served until 15th June 1922. He was active with the “C” Co. 1st Batt., Dublin Brigade from 23rd April to 29th April 1916 in […]
Call for referendum to give adopted rights
A call has been made for a referendum on information rights and privacy for children who have been separated from their parents and families.TDs and senators on the Oireachtas Children’s Committee will tomorrow hear a call from the Adoption Loss/Natural Parents Network of Ireland for a referendum on the right to information being more important […]